Lighting is the “jewelry” of a space. It can set the mood. We found lights in a catalog that we desperately wanted for No Limits Cafe. BUT, as a non profit, they were cost prohibitive. We called the manufacturer, the CEO of the company to see if we could get some sort of deal. But nobody got back to us. Our contractor was even trying to figure out how to make them for us. That is how much we wanted them. We couldn’t get them out of our heads!!! But it wasn’t happening! One day, by pure happenstance, Founder Mark Cartier went to play golf as a “single.” They placed him with another “single.” That person happened to be Dave Cooper, president of Cooper Electric. They got to talking about No Limits Cafe and Dave offered to help with lighting. A perfect stranger. Talk about a “Godwink” moment! Thanks to Dave, we not only have the gorgeous lights we wanted, he outfitted our entire restaurant with all of the lights we chose….at a fraction of their cost!!!! So, thank you to Dave Cooper. Your amazing contribution to No Limits Cafe, set the mood for the entire space. We are forever grateful to you!!!